Consulate General Newsletter – Holiday Issue

Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles   Holiday Issue     With this issue, the Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia wishes its readers and supporters the happiest of holidays and a joyous New Year. At this year’s end, we reflect on successful visits by the Prime Minister of the Republic …

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[CG OF RA LA] Consulate General Newsletter – Holiday Issue

      Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles    Holiday Issue            With this issue, the Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia wishes its readers and supporters the happiest of holidays and a joyous New Year. At this year’s end, we reflect on successful visits by the Prime …

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OSMANLI ERMENÝLERÝ VENEDÝK’TE! San Lazzaro Mýkhitarist Manastýrý ve Ýlk Türkçe Tiyatro Oyunlarý   18. yüzyýlýn sonunda, Ermeni Mýkhitarist Manastýrý’nda yazýlan ve Venedik Karnavalý’nda düzenli olarak icra edilen ilk modern Türkçe oyunlar, yazýldýklarý tarihten yaklaþýk iki asýr sonra kendilerine hayat veren Ermeni rahiplerin doðduðu ülkeye, Türkiye’ye dönüyor. Ermenilerin modern Türkçe tiyatronun...

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OSMANLI ERMENÝLERÝ VENEDÝK’TE! San Lazzaro Mýkhitarist Manastýrý ve Ýlk Türkçe Tiyatro Oyunlarý   18. yüzyýlýn sonunda, Ermeni Mýkhitarist Manastýrý’nda yazýlan ve Venedik Karnavalý’nda düzenli olarak icra edilen ilk modern Türkçe oyunlar, yazýldýklarý tarihten yaklaþýk iki asýr sonra kendilerine hayat veren Ermeni rahiplerin doðduðu ülkeye, Türkiye’ye dönüyor. Ermenilerin modern Türkçe tiyatronun...

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[MARMARA] Ahmet Altan (in Armenian)

Uastý Ulkuzr :riý Huýui.uzg% Fuðvuhþý Tðýnpuzrz {SÞZ? UZUINLNDR AUWÞÐND^ WNWZÞÐND ÞD ?RDÐIÞÐND AUSUIÞP ÖUDUMZÞÐG VÞ#Z?´ {Kuðu)´ kþðkr ül.udnð .sçuürð Uastý Ulkuz^ þðtm w+endu, sg aðuhuðumþj {Sþð zu.zrzþðg´ .nðuüðnf nd .riý huý sg ýndud Fuðvuhþý Tðýnpuzrz^ nð =zzueuýu, tð {Aðubulr euðubð<uz´ &Sndaktbts Þrdöþgl/ aþxuýþirluwrz aupnðeubuðg! Rzvhti ,uz+k t^ uzjþulzþðg Fuðvuhþý Tðýnpuz...

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Ahmet Altan (in Armenian)

Uastý Ulkuzr :riý Huýui.uzg% Fuðvuhþý Tðýnpuzrz {SÞZ? UZUINLNDR AUWÞÐND^ WNWZÞÐND ÞD ?RDÐIÞÐND AUSUIÞP ÖUDUMZÞÐG VÞ#Z?´ {Kuðu)´ kþðkr ül.udnð .sçuürð Uastý Ulkuz^ þðtm w+endu, sg aðuhuðumþj {Sþð zu.zrzþðg´ .nðuüðnf nd .riý huý sg ýndud Fuðvuhþý Tðýnpuzrz^ nð =zzueuýu, tð {Aðubulr euðubð<uz´ &Sndaktbts Þrdöþgl/ aþxuýþirluwrz aupnðeubuðg! Rzvhti ,uz+k t^ uzjþulzþðg Fuðvuhþý Tðýnpuz...

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[ABA] Armenian Bar Launches ‘Armenia & Diaspora’ Town Hall Series

ARMENIAN BAR LAUNCHES “ARMENIA & DIASPORA” TOWN HALLSERIESThe Armenian Bar Association is verypleased to report thatits inaugural “Armenia &Diaspora” town-hall discussion program, whichtookplace at the St. Mary’s Church Hall in Glendale,California, incollaboration with the Glendale Youth Center,on November 16, 2012, wasa resounding success.This was …

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The 15th AnnualARPA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALNovember 29th – December 2ndThe Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles EVENT HIGHLIGHTS 4 Days of Screenings • Receptions • Q&A’s • Award presentations THURSDAY, 7:30PM – OPENING NIGHT FILM “LOST AND FOUND IN ARMENIA“ + Q & A/RECEPTION…

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