(Class is cancelled for tonight only )Adult Dance – Exercise Classes (OIA MEKHITARIAN)
Dear Members, Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 dance and exercise class is cancelled for tonight only. Class will resume as scheduled next Tuesday, February 17th ___________ …
OIA Scholarship Fundraising 2015
It was a great evening and we were able to raise over $35,000 for the OIA Scholarship Trust Fund . Thankful to all the Donors and Supporters; proud of our Scholarship Comm Members who worked tirelessly and put together a great program ; and to all Board members who helped...
Aris Yalman Nalci’s interview with Edvin Erdi Minassian, Esq.
================= Aris Yalman Nalci Yesterday at 4:30am · Edited · “Diaspora 101” dersimizin sorularını California’nun ünlü hukukçusu a sorduk. Çok soru var o yüzden cevapların bazılarını aktarıyorum burada ancak devamı gelecek emin olun. “1915’te sigorta şirketleri Ermenileri hedef kitle seçmiş” – #Politika 1915 soykırımı her gündeme geldiğinde Türkiye’den……
Hrant Dink Spirit of Freedom and Justice Medal & Award
We bestowed on Prof Akçam the Hrant Dink Spirit of Freedom and Justice Medal & Award and the audience got confirmation as to the “Why” during the wonderful and very informative dialogue I was privileged to engage in with Hrant’s very good friend !!!! With gratitude to all...