[HRANT DINK VAKFI] The International Hrant Dink Award 2012
The International Hrant Dink Award 2012 17.09.2012 The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award was presented to laureates Ýsmail …
The International Hrant Dink Award 2012 17.09.2012 The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award was presented to laureates Ýsmail …
Uluslararasý Hrant Dink Ödülü bu akþam Cemal Reþit Rey Salonu’nda düzenlenen tören ile sahiplerini buldu. Bu yýl dördüncüsü verilen ödül Ýsmail Beþikçi ve Rusya’dan Uluslararasý Memorial Topluluðu’na verildi. Açýlýþýný Zuhal Olcay’ýn sunuculuðunu ise Mert Fýrat’ýn yaptýðý törende ödül komitesi adýna konuþma yapan Ali Bayramoðlu, Hrant Dink’in adýnýn ve ödüllerinin, bir...
AUWUÝIUZR OUIÐUMR :NDSÇG RÝKUZHNDLR OUIÐUMR NPRSHRUMUZZÞÐND GZKUJ?RZ 150 ÞÐMRÐZÞÐT 500 SUÐÖRMZÞÐG HUÐINDKÞUZ SUIZÞJ ÞD NPRSHRUMUZZÞÐND ÞXUMR U:NWÞUZ AXVUMNDÞJUD – :NDSÇG UWÝ*Ð INDZ MG IUZR NÝMÞUW SÞIUWL ÞD ÇUCUM Çnfuzeum Auwub.uðag Jz,ndkþuz St< T Þðtmnduz +ðg^ 9 Ýþhýþsçþð^ euðqþul nimþuw uz<z<þlr ýuxþðnf uðquzuüðndþjud Auwuiýuzr ýuðþüðndkþuz st<! Auwuiýuzr ouýðumr uð=uzþðg^ nðnz= ausub.uðauwrz...
Dünya Satranç Olimpiyatý sona erdi Uluslararasý platformda satrancýn en büyük organizasyonu olarak kabul edilen ve 1927 yýlýndan itibaren resmi olarak FIDE (Dünya Satranç Federasyonu) tarafýndan organize edilen Dünya Satranç Olimpiyatý bu yýl 27 Aðustos – 10 Eylül 2012 tarihleri arasýnda Türkiye Satranç Federasyonu tarafýndan Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlýðý’nýn desteði ile...
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of < ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Mrs. CICEK TUNA (In Istanbul) On behalf of the Executive Board of the Organization of Istanbul Armenians, Board of Trustees and all the committees, we convey our heartfelt condolences To his...
Mekhitaryan Alumni Committee is looking for male and female volunteers to re-activate the group. If you are interested, please attend our first meeting on Thursday, September the 27th at 7:00 pm at the OIA Center, Hrant Dink Hall. For inquiries please contact:Herman Yaylaoglu 818-216-8398Edi Sarafoglu 213-280-0004Aram Aginian …
Since the beginning of time, Space has been a source of mystery for man—a mystery they sought to decipher. Thanks to the scientific curiosity of Ptolemy, Galileo Galilee, and Isaac Newton, man has discovered numerous planets, landed on the Moon, and has even captured ancient images of space with...
California’s War Dead Matthew P. Manoukian, 29 Marines, Captain Based: Camp Pendleton 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion Supporting: Operation Enduring Freedom Died: August 10, 2012 Helmand province, Afghanistan …