YGIA members visited Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles
On Sunday February 24, YGIA members visited Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles to present the gifts which they have collected over the holiday season…
On Sunday February 24, YGIA members visited Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles to present the gifts which they have collected over the holiday season…
LOS ANGELES, Calif.—On Sunday, Jan. 13, the Organization of Istanbul Armenians (OIA) will commemorate the 6th anniversary of Hrant Dink’s martyrdom with a lecture on the “hidden Armenians” of Turkey by Armenian Weekly editor Khatchig Mouradian. The lecture, titled “Historic Armenia Today: Between the Hidden and the Revealed (A Photographic...
“Efsane Papyon” olarak bilinen Prof. Dr. Arman Manukyan (81) Beyoğlu Üç Horan Ermeni Kilisesi’nde düzenlenen cenaze töreninin ardından Şişli’deki Ermeni Mezarlığı’na defnedildi.Geçirdiği kalp krizi nedeniyle tedavi gördüğü Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi’nde 30 Aralık’ta hayatını kaybeden Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (BÜ) öğretim üyesi Arman Manukyan için Beyoğlu Üç Horan Ermeni Kilisesi’nde tören düzenlendi.Törene, Türkiye...