Musurlian Wins Emmy Award – Մսըրլեան Լոս Անճելըս Շրջանի «Էմի» Մրցանակը Կը Խլէ (Asbarez)
Musurlian Wins Emmy Award Peter Musurlian BURBANK—He has been nominated seven times since 2001, but it was a solo effort on a 32-minute, in-depth documentary in Africa, that finally garnered veteran broadcast journalist Peter Musurlian a Los Angeles Area Emmy. At the August 3, 2013 awards ceremony in North Hollywood,...
Divine Liturgy CD Release and Presentation
Begins: Thursday, August 15 at 8:00pm Contact: Location: Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Hall Address 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank CA, 91504 …
Dr. Vahram Biricik Presents Lecture on Armenian Churches and Communities in Gesaria and Istanbul
Begins: Wednesday, August 14 at 7:30pm Contact : Location: St. Leon Armenian Cathedral Addres: 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank CA, 91504 …
Mouradian Delivers Talk on Genocide Justice in Ankara (Full Text) (The Armenian Weekly)
Mouradian Delivers Talk on Genocide Justice in Ankara (Full Text) By Khatchig Mouradian // Posted on January 20, 2013 in Opinion // 30 Comments // Email // Print ANKARA, Turkey (A.W.)–On Jan. 19, Armenian Weekly Editor Khatchig Mouradian delivered a talk in Ankara, in Turkish, on justice for the …
Ստամբուլ. նոր բախումների սպասելիս – (Civilnet Tv)
Published on Jun 16, 2013 Ստամբուլի Բայազիդ հրապարակում Օսմանյան կայսրության շրջանում իրականացվում էին հրապարակային մահապատիժներ՝ կախաղան բարձրացնելու միջոցով: 98 տարի առաջ հունվարի 15-ին այստեղ կախաղան հանվեցին ականավոր 20 հնչակյան հայ գործիչներ: Ստամբուլից ներկայացնում է Թաթուլ Հակոբյանը: …
DID THE SUPREME COURT REALLY REJECT THE ‘ARMENIAN THESIS’ ? – YüksekMahkeme ‘Ermeni tezleri’ni ret mi etti?
================================================================================= Below article has been copied from a publication and which is credit on the header of the article. Opinions expressed does not necessarily represent opinion of OIA or its governing boards ================================================================================== DID THE SUPREME COURT REALLY REJECT THE ‘ARMENIAN THESIS’ ? EDVIN MINASSIAN (translated from the...
Graves in the Park: Notes from the ‘Bolis’ Uprising By Eric Nazarian (The Armenian Weekly)
haven’t had time to digest what I saw this past week on the heels of my first journey to the womb of Armenian civilization: Van/Vaspurakan. Dikranakert. Kharpert, the fabled green villages of Bitlis, and the hinterlands of Palu and Sakrat. My fellow travelers, now brothers and sisters for life, trekked...
“Lost & Found in Armenia” Opens in Select Theaters June 7th: (Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles)
“Lost & Found in Armenia” Opens in Select Theaters June 7th: LOST AND FOUND IN ARMENIA, starring Jamie Kennedy (Malibu’s Most Wanted, Scream, Bending the Rules) and Angela Sarafyan (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part II) opensFriday, June 7th. LOST AND FOUND IN ARMENIA, a bilingual feature length film,...
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