Gunaysu: Snapshots from the Fragmented Landscape of Turkey (The Armenian Weekly)
Gunaysu: Snapshots from the Fragmented Landscape of Turkey By Ayse Gunaysu // May 19, 2011 in Ayse Gunaysu // 43 Comments // Email // Print This time my column will have no structural integrity. It will be fragmented just like life itself and just like my thoughts wandering …
A Family Tree Uprooted by a 60-Year-Old Secret (NY TIMES)
A Family Tree Uprooted by a 60-Year-Old Secret Johan Spanner for The International Herald Tribune Fethiye Cetin, a prominent member of the estimated 50,000-strong Armenian-Turkish community and one of Turkey’s leading human rights lawyers, believes a seminal moment has arrived in which Turkey and Armenia can finally confront the ghosts...
New book published on abandoned property ( Hürriyet Daily News)
Wednesday,November 27 2013, New book published on abandoned property ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News / Wednesday,November 27 2013, Vercihan Ziflioğ (Lawyer Elbeyoğlu will publish a book on Armenians’ abandoned assets. DAILY NEWS photo, Emrah Gürel) Lawyer Ali Elbeyoğlu is set to release a book on a Turkish...
Ռ. ՀԱՏՏԷՃԵԱՆԻ ԳՐԱԿԱՆ ՎԱՍՏԱԿԻՆ ՆՈՒԻՐՈՒԱԾ ԵՐԵԿՈՅ՝ ԹՈՐՈՆԹՈՅԻ « ՄԱՇՏՈՑ » ԳՐԱԿԱՆ ԽՄԲԱԿԷՆ ՆԵՐՍ Յարութիւն Դերձակեան Թորոնթոյի «Մաշտոց » գրական խմբակը որ ամէն ամիս կանոնաւոր կերպով եւ մեծ յաջողութեամբ կը շարունակէ հաւաքոյթներ կազմակերպել հայ գրականութեան հեղինակաւոր գրագէտ ու բանաստեղծները ծանօթացնելու նպատակով։ Վերջերս այս խմբակին արթած մեծ հետաքրքրութեան շնորհիւ օրստ օրէ կաւելնայ...
2.. 1915-22 yılları arasında New York Times gazetesinde yayınlanan haberlerin derlemesi. ( Çeviren Ayşe Günaysu)
2.. 1915-22 yılları arasında New York Times gazetesinde yayınlanan haberlerin derlemesi. ( Çeviren Ayşe Günaysu) 1915-22 yılları arasında New York Times gazetesinde yayınlanan haberlerin derlemesi. Çeviren Ayşe Günaysu ERMENİ LİDERLER CELAL BEYE CEVAP VERDİ – 17 Ekim 1915 MORGENTHAU KATLİAMLARIN YENİDEN HIZ KAZANDIĞINI – BİLDİRİYOR – 12 Ekim 1915 BÖLÜM …
1. 1915-22 yılları arasında New York Times gazetesinde yayınlanan haberlerin derlemesi. (Çeviren Ayşe Günaysu)
1. 1915-22 yılları arasında New York Times gazetesinde yayınlanan haberlerin derlemesi. (Çeviren Ayşe Günaysu) 1915-22 yılları arasında New York Times gazetesinde yayınlanan haberlerin derlemesi. Çeviren Ayşe Günaysu TÜRKİYE SAVAŞ LİDERLERİNİ MAHKUM ETTİ – 13 Temmuz 1919 BİR MİLYON ERMENİ ÖLDÜRÜLDÜ YA DA SÜRÜLDÜ – 15 Aralık 1915 BİR KADIN …
Armenian Genocide Contemporary Articles
Armenian Genocide Contemporary Articles These abundant news reports are excellent documentation of the Armenian Genocide. For hard copies of these articles, get a copy of Richard Kloian’s book. WHOLE PLAIN STREWN BY ARMENIAN BODIES Turks and Kurds Reported to Have Massacred Men, Women and Children. (NYT- 1915/3/20) APPEAL TO …
The Passing of Diramayr Bulbul Barsamian, Mother of Archbishop Khajag Barsamian
The Armenian Church LeaderRE: The Passing of Diramayr Bulbul Barsamian, Mother of Archbishop Khajag BarsamianIt grieves me to inform our Diocesan leadership that Diramayr Bulbul Barsamian, the mother of our Primate, His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, entered her eternal rest today, following a period of hospitalization. On behalf …