Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme / Türkiye-Ermenistan Burs Programı

Türkçe için sayfayı aşağı kaydırınız. 63 organisations from Turkey, 25 from Armenia are ready to act as Host Organisations for fellows from the neighbouring country. The Hrant Dink Foundation has established the Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme with a view to promote cross-border affiliation and cooperation of professionals from the two …
A Photographic Tribute to Baydzar, One of Diyarbakir’s Last Armenians (The Armenian Weekly)

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (A.W.)—One of Diyarbakir’s last Armenians, 87-year-old Baydzar Eken,passed away at a local hospital on June 23. A month earlier, on May 23, the Armenian Weekly editors, joined by a small group of Armenian writers, filmmakers, and authors from across the U.S., visited with Baydzar at her apartment…
2014-15 OIA Scholarship Announcement
Organization of Istanbul Armenians (OIA) 2014 – 2015 Academic Year Scholarship Announcement ~~~ The Organization of Istanbul Armenians awards up to 10 scholarships per year to highly deserving college and graduate students. Each scholarship award amounts up to $2,500. This year a limited number of scholarships will again be made...
Lorie Kavafyan (Graduation)

Lorie Kavafyan, from Granada Hills, CA, has completed medical school at Midwestern University-AZCOM and received her doctor of medicine degree on May 28, 2014. Lorie is the daughter of Arto and Zabel Kavafyan. She graduated high school from A.G.B.U. Manoogian-Demirdjian and went on to earn her Bachelor of Sciences degree...

ՊԱՇՏՕՆԱԿԱՆ ԲԱՑՈՒՄ ՊՈԼՍԱՀԱՅ ՄԻՈՒԹԵԱՆ «ՀՐԱՆԴ ՏԻՆՔ ԴԱՍԱԽՕՍՈՒԹԵԱՆ ՍՐԱՀԻՆ» Պոլսահայ Միութեան «ՀՐԱՆԴ ՏԻՆՔ ԴԱՍԱԽՕՍՈՒԹԵԱՆ ՍՐԱՀԸ» անուանուած է ի յիշատակ Պոլսոյ Ակօս Շաբաթաթերթի հիմնադիր՝ հանգուցեալ Հրանդ Տինքի: Հրանդ Տինք լու՜ռ քաջութեան անձ մըն էր: Ան մէկն էր որ հասկցած էր թէ հաղորդակցութիւնը միակ միջոցն է փոխըմբռնումի եւ խաղաղութեան: Ուրախութեամբ կը յայտարարենք,...