Former French minister Patrick Devedjian dies of COVID-19 (DW)

We at OIA are deeply saddened by the tragic news of the death of former Minister of the Republic of France Patrick Devedjian due to COVID -19 . We was not only a great politician who served France loyally and competently , but also a great son of the Armenian Nation who never forgot his roots that reached back to Constantinople and Kharpert  . The void he has left will be impossible to fill . On behalf of the entire membership of the Organization of Istanbul Armenians we extend our sincere condolences to his entire family including his widow , children and grandchildren; to the citizenry whom he served valiantly as well as the Armenian community of France and the global Armenian family .

Former French minister Patrick Devedjian dies of COVID-19

A French former cabinet minister and former president of the Parisian Haut-de-Seine administrative district has become one of the first high-profile politicians to die of COVID-19. Patrick Devedjian was 75.

Patrick Devedjian (Getty Images/AFP/L. Bonaventure)

A close adviser of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former president of a Parisian administrative district has died from COVID-19, the Haut-de-Seine department announced on Sunday.



Patrick Devedjian, ancien Ministre, Président du Département des Hauts-de-Seine, hospitalisé après avoir été diagnostiqué positif au Covid-19, est décédé dans la nuit du samedi 28 au dimanche 29 mars.
Communiqué de presse : https://cutt.ly/UtEHD52 

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Patrick Devedjian was the minister in charge of dealing with French recovery from the 2008 financial crisis. The 75-year-old first publicly announced he was suffering from symptoms of the novel coronavirus on Wednesday.

“I am affected by the epidemic, therefore I am able to bear witness directly to the exceptional work of doctors and nurses,” he wrote on Twitter earlier in the week. “I’m sending them a big thank you for their constant help to all their patients.”

Patrick Devedjian@DevedjianP

Je suis touché par l’épidémie, donc à même de témoigner directement du travail exceptionnel des médecins et de tous les personnels soignants. Fatigué mais stabilisé grâce à eux, je remonte la pente et leur adresse un très grand merci pour leur aide constante à tous les malades.

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‘Free spirit’

Fellow politicians immediately paid tribute to the politician on Twitter.

Former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls praised Devedjian’s “local roots.”

“I liked Patrick Devedjian: his frank works, his humor, his local roots. He was affectionate and cultured,” he wrote on Twitter.

Manuel Valls


Une autre bien triste nouvelle …j’ aimais bien Patrick Devedjian..son franc parler, son humour, son ancrage local. Il était affectueux et d’ une grande culture. À sa famille et à ses proches toutes mes condoléances. https://twitter.com/BFMTV/status/1244162590458159104 



ALERTE INFO – Patrick Devedjian est mort après avoir été contaminé au coronavirushttps://www.bfmtv.com/sante/en-direct-coronavirus-le-bilan-francais-passe-a-2314-morts-les-seniors-en-isolement-individuel-en-ephad/#content/contribution/edit 

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Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo tweeted her “great sadness.”

“I extend my condolences to his wife and family. I think of our Armenian friends who have lost a brother today.”

Anne Hidalgo


C’est une immense tristesse, j’adresse toutes mes condoléances à son épouse et à sa famille. Je pense à nos amis Arméniens qui perdent aujourd’hui un de leur frère . https://twitter.com/bfmparis/status/1244162633244315649 

BFM Paris


ALERTE INFO. Patrick Devedjian, président des Hauts-de-Seine et ancien ministre est mort du Covid-19https://www.bfmtv.com/societe/patrick-devedjian-president-des-hauts-de-seine-et-ancien-ministre-est-mort-du-covid-19-1884213.html 

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“Great emotion at the announcement of the death of Patrick Devedjian, former minister, President of the Haut-de-Seine, committed republican, free spirit,” President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand wrote. “My sincere condolences to his relatives and his family.”

Richard Ferrand


Grande émotion à l’annonce du décès de Patrick Devedjian, ancien ministre,Président des Hauts de Seine, républicain engagé, esprit libre. Mes sincères condoléances à ses proches et à sa famille.

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“Great sadness at the death of Patrick Devedjian,” French Senate President Gerard Larcher wrote on Twitter. “Brave man and totally devoted to his city of Antony and to Haut-de-Seine. Condolences to his family and those close to him.”

Gérard Larcher


Grande tristesse d’apprendre la mort de Patrick Devedjian. Homme courageux et totalement devoué à sa ville d’Antony et aux Hauts-de-Seime. Condoléances à sa famille et à ses équipes.

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The Armenian-French career politician held a number of ministerial positions since entering politics in 1983. He was also mayor of the town of Antony before becoming president of Haut-de-Seine, a department in western Paris.

France currently has over 38,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and has recorded more than 2,300 deaths. The country has implemented extensive lockdown measures to try to slow the spread of coronavirus.


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