Dear Members and Friends,
As we embark upon a new term for the Organization of Istanbul Armenians we would like to first and foremost thank those who have completed their service on their respective Boards and committees and welcome those who have volunteered to get actively involved and have been elected to serve. The current rosters of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee will be found in this newsletter.
We also welcome the newly formed Special Events Committee and look forward to their dynamic and competent participation in the affairs of the OIA and service to our community. They already have great events planned and the excitement is in the air. The very successful Fisherman’s Night event was a great lead into the new term, and we are thankful to all the hardworking members of the Mekhitarian Alumni Committee for organizing that memorable evening which also raised much needed funds for the OIA. Further fundraising events that also are going to be lots of fun and popular are in the works.
In this new term we expect to work hard to further reduce the remaining debt of the organization related to the construction of our new building and continue our steady march towards a solid financial future. We of course remain very mindful of our obligation to our members as well as the larger Armenian community to put together events promoting and furthering our culture. The Cultural Committee with support by our various alumni organizations, the Ladies Auxilliary and other committees has plans for multiple events. Our key event starting the New Year will be the 7th Commemoration of the loss of Hrant Dink. We will continue our tradition of organizing a very rich and educational event on that solemn occasion. We are also proud to announce that this year we will be bestowing on a worthy recipient our first Hrant Dink Legacy of Freedom medal and award. The Announcement will be made shortly. We are also a very active member of the United Armenian Council of Los Angeles, comprised of all major Armenian organizations and the churches, tasked organizing the commemorations of the Armenian Genocide at Montebello and will make major contributions towards the upcoming 100th Anniversary commemorations.
We are working all together to serve our community via multiple programs serving the children, the elderly and everyone in between. From dance lessons, to plans to organize a theatre group, to having the Center be open to the general membership and friends serving good old home style Armenian food are all in the works. Educational seminars such as how to get ready for the new healthcare laws, as well as school and work related networking for our young students as well as young professionals have been planned. Our website will be undergoing further improvement and will be providing visitors with current news items and information that should make it more popular. Of course, being mindful of our charitable purposes and goals, despite our financial constraints we continue to award scholarships and financial aid to meritorious students.
Please join us by volunteering for one of our several committees, by encouraging your children to participate as they are the future of OIA, by your financial support and through attendance of our activities. Please provide us with any suggestions, recommendations and constructive criticism that you have, as we are always ready to improve and make this as best an organization as it can be.