Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 1 – Downfall of The Hero
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 2 – Unexpected Death
Every nation joined in solidarity with the same spirit and heartache
However, it was too late, for the plane tree had already tumbled
Spreading black soot around all foreheads
Is it possible to untangle bundles of knots
Wipe away or disregard all black stains
Just as a brotherhood, enamored with the same land
Peacefully we lived; but what was it that caused such cruelty and cut away our hands
What was the reason for such persecution and disarray that snatched away the innocent love from our hearts?
It must be reminded must not be forgotten
The blaze of love must be rekindled
When you departed from us, instead of hope black clouds prevailed all around us, the world turned into darkness
When you departed from us, instead of hope black clouds prevailed all around us,
the world turned into darkness
Some day again, those dark clouds will disappear
And our wounds will find healing
And our wounds will find healing
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 3 – Lord Have Mercy
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
Most Holy Trinity
Grant your peace to the whole world
And eternal life to our Martyred Hero
The past and the future woven together
Proclaim the truth
And the fact remains that for endless centuries our roots sunk in so deep
Within the ground of these active lands, that we all became one with the land
As indigenous inhabitants of those high mountains and clear sweet waters
We harvested many many generations
What was the reason for uprooting us and dumping us in that vast desert?
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 4 – God is Love
We lived without a care in our hearts yet brotherhood always stayed apart oh fatherland,
My love I would sacrifice my soul for your precious soil we carved words of love,
On each of your stones christened each stone with our prayers,
We left our inscriptions upon your clear waters yet we did not become brothers oh fatherland,
My love I would sacrifice my soul, for your precious soil how can I forget,
Many hearts were scorched so much blood was shed helpless innocent children become destitute,
We surrendered our love and sorrow into the soil, while distraught mothers shed bitter tears of salt.
The heart of every Armenian living away from the fatherland bleeds with sorrow ,
Yearning for that land ball the world aside, and all mountains aside.
A single crane flies toward the mountain wherever it goes as far away from
Its nest separation stings its heart every passing crane and sparrow,
As well carries in its heart the love of fatherland the past always stings,
The future is very near loving each other is the remedy of all this pains every parting crane.
On the bright future day will return filled with hope with laughter and with song,
Bringing light upon all all hearts on that given day with faith,
Hand in hand and with our spirits joined surely, without fail love,
Can conquer all we must love each other and live together,
With the full knowledge that are all a part of God, God is love.
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 5 – Bright As Snow
And, if per chance a branch survives from that sharp axe, wouldn’t turn yellow.
I was that branch yellow but firm yet I suddenly fell to the ground whereas all of you,
Who now weep and mourn my death with sorrow if any of you ever turns yellow.
Shame be on you! Clearly, all of these colors fade away and become pale,
Leaving only one color, the darkest of the dark to lead and dominate.
But they don’t understand that it’s only when all colors blend in and mix together,
That they become pure, unblemished, as snow, stronger than all colors they become bright white,
In harmony and reconciliation and if ever one day the unblemished bright white is not guarded well,
Beware, for I will de
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016 Part 6 – Our Loss
On different foreign lands we bloomed and blossomed but always yearning
Nowhere did we establish roots, without fathers we had no identity
We became part of a wheel adapting ourselves to the rules of each and all countries we lived
Survivors fallen off their branches waited
Tolerating their pain and suffering by yielding to it
Their voices were never raised
Healing themselves of their blood soaked wounds
They did not forget but had to endure
Always waiting and believing in their brotherhood
Clinging to our roots, we did not depart but stayed within our soil
We did not close the broken doors of our inner hearts hoping eternally hoping
All of the bad days did finally come to an end buried in memories; we would love again
We had faith that one day our suffering would cease and our voices would be heard
You were the one who echoed our murmurs
Filtering them and making our voices heard through the love of your kind heart
And you as the advocate of brotherhood became the victim yourself
Of a murder so cruel; You, the symbol of reconciliation, the white dove of peace
But where was that reconciliation
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 7 – My Violin
Your tune is so distant; your hand no more touching my hand
We built this love together and nurtured it with both our hearts
You were to live a long time together but you broke your promise
Getting old together was our greatest dream
You have now left me alone not respecting your promise
The story of love lives forever; death cannot conquer
I also know my beloved that our love can be everlasting
But it is very difficult my violin to go through life without you
Yearning for you while the world celebrates your name
Where are you brave partner of my life? I am now left all alone
Your name is my pride but you have now left me behind
Humanity mourns you and the entire world screams out
Yet I quietly cry and endlessly lament
No amount of screaming can describe my deep pain
Without you I am now left with just your broken promise
The story of love lives forever; death cannot conquer
I also know my beloved that our love can be everlasting
But it is very difficult my violin to go through life without you
Yearning for you while the world celebrates your name
Where are you now my violin?
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2106 Part 8 – Awakening
what the future would bring, bundled up with love
Growing up is waking up, learning and knowing all about what tarnishes the world
He slowly started to understand what pain history had in store for his nation
As we also understand when we grow up and experience how dim and thorny the world becomes
And how unfair and cruel life gets obscuring our way
When the child matured and started to struggle against evil
Attempting to change the world around him, he found himself left alone in his quest
It became clear to him that if they had joined lovingly all obstacles would have disappeared
They ought to have Crossed those thorny roads together in pursuit of brotherly love
By the time we mature, the world gets dimmer, thorny roads get longer
Life is unfair indeed it cruelly obstructs the way
Who understood?
What’s left, what’s left trailing behind you this day?
A bright hope and light faded away and disappeared
This pain will not stop, the longing will not cease, there is no cure
What’s left, what’s left trailing behind you this day?
A bright hope and light faded away and disappeared
How much longer should sorrow be buried
And how much longer should suffering be silently endured
What’s left, what’s left trailing behind you this day?
Look, no one heard your heartfelt cry
Which was not that difficult to do
But alas it became a dream!
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 9 – Mountain Girl.
The final call and echo of our hearts
Our last spark of hope
How will we possibly get over this awful pain of losing you?
(Folk Song)
“Ambel-a para para, leylimaman-aman
Leylimaman-aman sari aghchig
Yes eemsiradzinch’ara, akhmeretmerni, sari aghchigaman
Sari aghchigaman, dardodyareem”
Burying this bitterness in our hearts
Just like all our previous pains; quietly, mournfully but with hope
Will we ever be able to rekindle the love that we lost?
(Folk Song)
“Gaynel-es gut g’nmanisleylimaman-aman
Leylimaman-aman, sari aghchig
Sari agchigaman, sari aghchigaman, sari aghchigaman, dardodyareem”
(Folk Song)
“Achkeresaryungoulan, leylimaman-aman
Leylimaman-aman, sari aghchig
Eem yare heroundaran, akhmeretmerni, sari aghchigaman
Sari aghchigaman, sari aghchigdardodyareem
Yes eemsiradzincharaakhmeretmerni
Sari aghchigaman, sari aghchigaman, dardodyareem”
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 10 – Our Land.
You told us that the day would come when all wounds would heal
We still long for that day of reconciliation
We are ready to conquer our bitterness with love
You said conquer evil with goodness, heal your pains with love
Overcome the past; try to live on the same land with brotherly love
We cried and lamented for one hundred years; we mourned the death of the thousands that we buried
We combined the grief of the thousands by including you into our hearts
If only we can be sure that this pain will be our last
And be sure that your bright face will never be forgotten
That all your instructions will teach humanity a lesson
And your outpouring love will resonate in your voice
Clinging again to that glimmer of hope
All of us await with faith for that day of reconciliation
You said I had my eye on that land but we all knew that your dream was to be buried there
Under the land of our forefathers mingling in with their loving roots
Just as you were, we too are attached to these lands
We patiently await and anticipate
the day when you will be understood
If only we can be sure that this pain will be our last
And be sure that your bright face will never be forgotten
That all your instructions will teach humanity a lesson
And your outpouring love will resonate in your voice
Let’s never live this pain again
Hrant Dink Oratorio in Los Angeles, April 16, 2016. Part 11 – Love
The day will come when everyone will accept it
The pain of our nation can only be understood
By combining the past to the present
It is impossible to alter the past
History is full of pain
If ever I could live again
I would advise brotherly love
It is not difficult to have hope for love
And love is indeed the healer of pain
Premature darkness, obscured sunshine
Wounded hearts and endless longing
One thousand thorns plus your’s combined together
How can forgetfulness stop the pain
No wound ever ceases to exist through forgetfulness
First comes reconciliation followed by overcoming
And the day will come once more when hope will flourish
Hoping for love must always be kept alive
It is not difficult to have hope for love
And love is indeed the healer of pain
The main obstacle against all evil is pure love
It is a lie to say that it is difficult to trust love
Love is necessary, love is necessary
Love for our water and land
For the living and the Fatherland
Love for our Creator