


OIA Weekly Reminder (Oct. 20, 2016)


 OIA Weekly Reminder (Oct. 20, 2016) ******************************* TANDIR NIGHT – «ԹԱՆՏԻՐ»ի գիշեր On Saturday, Oct 22, 2016 at 8:00 PM OIA Center For Tickets: Osan Halici – (818) 825 5254 Edi Sarafoglu – (213) 280 0004 V I E W    D E T A I L ********************************************************* MRS. JANET...

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Lara Balciyan (2013-2016) (Passing News)


It is with great sadness and profound sorrow that we announce the untimely passing of Lara Balciyan (Los Angeles June 21, 2013 – October 1, 2016) * On behalf of  OIA Board of Trustees, OIA Executive Committee  and all the committees, we convey our heartfelt condolences To Her Parents M/M...

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Mr. Ara Garmirian (1920-2016)

Mr. Ara Garmirian (1920-2016)

  ______________ Announcement from “KHEGHART.” (Montreal) ______________ KHEGHART.  CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OFARMENIANS FROM ISTANBUL  We want to inform you that our beloved member and chief editor of KHEGHART. Mr. ARA GARMIRYAN, passed away on Sunday, September 25th.  It is with deep sorrow that Mrs. Anelga Garmiryan & …

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