Mrs. Losin Zorlu ( 1931-2016)
Loving mother, grandmother, sister, and anushkyour
Survived by
Daughter and Son-in-law: Anush and Hagop Barin
Grand-daughter: Nora Barin
Brother: Mr. and Mrs. Avedis Olgun and family
Sister: Mrs. Zarman Kazanci and family
Mr. and Mrs. Manas Zorian and family
Mr. and Mrs. Garbis Zorian and family
Mr. and Mrs. Norayr Cilingirian and family
Mr. and Mrs. Berc Zorian and family
Mr. and Mrs. Manuk Zorlu and family
Mr. and Mrs. Nurhan Sariboyaciyan and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mardiros Zorlu
Mr. and Mrs. Hosrov Zorlu and family
Mr. and Mrs , Garo Kurian and Family
(Garo Kurian is current member of oia board of trustees)
Aris Gostantian says
July 12, 2016 at 6:18 amI am sorry for you Lusintak horakur…. Your eathly time was up and you knew the Lord very well Jesus was and is the only Redeemer and Savior in our lives You have belived in Him and loved Him very much while you were on this earth The Lord was the only purpose you had continued living your life while on earth I hope you name is in the Lambs Book of Life and I hope you will see your precious son Aram there in heaven be with the LORD have a Good time in your spiritual life and I hope to see you there in ETERNAL life when my time is up.horakur I am also looing for to be with the Almighty GOD JESUS CHRİST. amen.
Aris Gostantian says
July 12, 2016 at 6:36 amLusintak horakur…. Your eathly time was up and you knew the Lord very well Jesus was and is the only Redeemer and Savior in your life You have belived in Him and loved Him very much while you were on this earth.. The Lord was the only purpose you had continued living your life while on earth I hope you name is written in the Lambs Book of Life and I hope you will see your precious son Aram in heaven Horakur be with the LORD have a Good time in your spiritual life and I hope to see you there in ETERNAL life when my time is up.horakur I am also looing for to be with the Almighty GOD JESUS CHRİST. amen.
Janet gulmezian says
July 13, 2016 at 11:45 amDear Barin family ,
My big condelacence to your family your mom will be missed with her smile and her friendly personality .
God bless her soul and rest in peace.
My best regards